Time Strategies

Throughout college I have become a little more productive in terms of how I spend my time as each semester has gone on. I have learned what works for me and what doesn't. With these new skills I have learned how exactly I like my classes to be scheduled and when I need to work on homework or online classes in between. I have also picked up on trying to knock out everything during the day so at night I can relax. Earlier this week I put together the rough draft time schedule on how I would organize this course. We came to option of spending two hours Monday, Wednesday and Sunday but here I am on a Friday working on assignments. My goal is to knock this course out as early as I can due to the large projects I have in my core classes at the end of the semester. In hopes of doing this the best schedule that works for me is doing as many assignments as I can take at any moment in which I have free time. This plan will be executed pretty much on any day besides Tuesday and Thursdays. 
Two of the time management articles that stood out to me was The Myth of "Too Busy" by Tim Grahl and 3 Steps to Recapture Time by Joynicole Martinez. In Tim's article I enjoyed his suggestions on setting your priorities, do what you have to do then move on to what you need to do and lastly fill the rest of your time with what you have left like spending time on social media and things. My biggest take away from Joynicole's article was practicing to say "no". This is an art that is very hard to do especially in college when you don't want to miss out on possible memory making moments with friends. It is also misleading she says to reply with the answer "I don't have time to do (insert the activity)". Both of these practice I hope to keep in mind as my semester continues. 


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