Assignment Thoughts

I just finished up reviewing the post on the assignments we can come to expect during this semester as well as extra credit options in Epics of India. Honestly, at the beginning of this week I was a little nervous that this course was going to require a large amount of work I am not completely ready for in addition to all of my core classes. This post allowed to me to have a better understanding of what I am in store for and definitely eased my worries. Everything is clear cut and broken up nicely. The extra credit options really caught my attention as they are super creative and seem enjoyable. Although I don't really see myself doing the Wikipedia Trails it is such a cool assignment! I do think I will take advantage of Tech Tips just because we live is such a computer centered society the more I know the more useful it will be down the road. Overall, I am looking forward to continuing Epics of India and growing in a multitude of areas. 


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