Feedback Thoughts

I think Professor Gibb's idea on feedback is refreshing and something I look forward to exploring more this semester. I have never had teacher or professor go about a class in this manner. I am constantly worrying, especially at the beginning of a semester, whether or not I am doing the assignment correctly and stress because my final grade will reflect that. With this class its really not about whether or not you did it perfectly but that you tried and will continue to improve with every blog post.

The first article in which I decided to look at was about fixed mindsets called "A Fixed Mindset Could Be Holding You Back- Here's How to Change It" by Anna Sugg and Ann Arnold. I read this article because in my life I have not been historically a fan of change. I like to feel comfortable and again like I said before knowing that I am doing something the right way. But this mindset will not get me far in life. I really enjoyed their tips on how to develop a growth mindset and especially the point I probably need to work on the most and that is valuing the process more than the outcome. So often I just want to get an assignment done as quick as possible and move on to the next thing. When going through a process like this I am missing out on some valuable lessons I could learn along the way.

The next article that caught my eye was about the topic of perfectionism. I hate making mistakes but with out them how do I expect to grow? The article was titled "How to Overcome Perfectionism: Your Complete Guide" by Celestine Chua. Wow, this is what I have been missing! I have grown up by the saying don't do anything "half a**" and although I intend to continue this way of life it does not mean I have to make sure it is perfect. That is often where I get mixed up at. I can go full out and full out fail and its okay!


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