Introduction To A Girl Who Has Many Favorites

First of all, hi my name is Madison Hoppess and I am from the suburb of Dallas, TX called Frisco. Frisco is not so much a suburb anymore as these days as it is slowly turning into its own city! There I attended the original Frisco High (we have 12 high schools) in which we are the only school in the nation who has a raccoon as a mascot. Yes, a raccoon and his name is Frisky. I am now a senior here at OU where I have been studying Economics. I currently have a part time job in sales and hope to continue in that industry once I graduate in May.

As you can tell by the title I have a lot of favorite things and for the most part they are kind of all over the board. As I spoke about in my "Crested Butte, My Favorite Place" blog I love the town of Crested Butte Colorado where I am also blessed to have a second home at. My family spends a lot of time in the small mountain town as we LOVE to ski and enjoy the cool summers there. I also come from a family of avid deer hunters and I enjoy spending time as much time as I can at my ranch where we do all of our hunting. 

I am also pretty girly and enjoy shopping as well as pretty much anything you can think of that falls under that category too! I  love a wide range of TV shows and movies as one of my other favorite things to do is just sitting around doing close to nothing and binging shows. 

I look forward to this semester and this class as well as getting to know everyone through their own blogs. 


  1. Wow a Raccoon as a mascot. Never would I have expected that. Although I think raccoons are pretty underrated. They get a bad rap because of rabies and their penchant for eating literal garbage, but they're cute, opportunistic, and multi-talented. They have thumbs too which I think is pretty cool. Raccoons are closer to humans than most people think in a lot of respects so I respect that mascot choice.

  2. Hi Madison! My roommate Casey is from Frisco, but he went to Wakeland High School. Personally, I think the raccoon mascot is way better and much more original than the wolverines but don't tell him that! It's super cool that you love to ski and spend time in the mountains because that is also one of my favorite things to do. Deer hunting is also a ton of fun! Good luck with graduation and the job hunt this summer!

  3. Hi Madison! It’s so nice to meet you! I think it’s cool how you also consider Colorado as your second home. I think my boyfriend and I are going to Colorado this spring break to enjoy the views of the mountains and possibly hike! I’m super excited about it!
    Furthermore, what kind of shows do you like? My favorites are Grey’s Anatomy, Empire, Friends, and You. I’m also an expert at binge watching tv shows. I think I’ve watched Grey’s Anatomy nearly six times! Not that I don’t ever sleep, but I always play it in the background while I’m doing stuff such as homework!

  4. I love that picture you shared, you look so happy! It's great to see that you already have a part time job in the industry you're wanting to work in, it's sort of a confirmation to yourself that you enjoy that line of work! I've been skiing in Taos before and while I didn't find the skiing to be my type of activity the town was so cute and beautiful, I can only image that Crested Butte would similar in that regard! As much as I'm not a fan of hunting myself, I'm glad you're family has found it to be a fun experience. I too like being lazy and watching shows...who doesn't?!

  5. The first thing that caught my attention, that’s a lot of high schools. A raccoon mascot is interesting… I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before. I also enjoy shopping and have found Amazon to be a terrible thing for me recently. I’m also a senior and wish you the best of luck with this semester and whatever comes following graduation!

  6. Hi Madison!! Small world, kinda. My family and I also have a house in Crested Butte! Ever since going as a child, I fall in love more and more each time. Summer or winter's spent there is my favorite time of the year. Anytime I hear of other people loving as much as I do I know they are already awesome becasue who wouldn't love CB! Also, good luck after graduation!!

  7. Hey Madison,

    I'm a native Coloradan, so I guess in some roundabout way your love of Crested Butte is a connection between the two of us. I've never been up that way, but I've heard it's beautiful and would love to go.

    We got a picture of you, now all we need is a picture of the Racoon!

    Congrats on your upcoming graduation, and see you through the course,
    -- A.

  8. Hi Madison!

    That area in your picture is so pretty! Is that Crested Butte?
    And, ugh, I love shopping too. It is honestly such a dangerous thing to do, especially when college student are ballin on a budget, but it is so much fun.
    Also, you are a senior! I am so you are super excited to graduate this upcoming May. I wish you the best of luck as you partake on your journey of post-college adulthood!

  9. Oh, I like the idea of a racoon mascot, Madison! OU needs an animal mascot instead of that schooner IMO. My high school's mascot was a burro -- I went to Hillsboro High School, so, there you go: Hills-boro Burro. But he didn't have a cute name like Frisky! And maybe your economics career prospects will take you to a place with mountains. That's something Norman and Dallas have in common: being mountain-deprived. But a world full of mountains awaits you out there! :-)

  10. Hey Madison!
    Like everyone else said, that is pretty cool your mascot was something unique like the raccoon! My high school was the Ro-Hawks (A hawk riding a rocket) because we wanted to be the rockets and then a school next to us already was and then we wanted to be the hawks but a middle school was already that so we king of jus put them together haha.
    I have never gone skiing but I have been snowboard and it is tons of fun! I haven't been to Colorado but one time. I know it is great for snowboarding and skiing so I guess I should go check it out some time!

  11. Hi Madison,
    I can't believe there are 12 High Schools in Frisco! I visited a few times over the years and it never seemed so large. I love watching TV too but it is so difficult for me to sit still. I usually have to busy myself with something else, like knitting, folding laundry or even doing homework for classes that don't require much brain power. I am planning a trip to Colorado this summer, I am super excited, maybe I will check out Crested Butte!

  12. Hi Madison,

    Based off of your blog, you seem like a super positive person, and I love that! I also love shopping and find a great deal of happiness in retail therapy! I study psychology so it's always interesting to learn why things like shopping make people happy, but it does! I saw you liked a lot of tv shows so if you have any favorites, I'd love to hear them! I am always looking for things to watch, but get so discouraged from summaries that I end up watching Friends for the millionth time!

  13. Hi Madison!

    I think it's super unique that your school mascot was a raccoon! I have heard of a lot of very unique mascots before (I've had some very basic ones and very strange ones) but raccoon is one that I definitely haven't heard of before. My family and I went to Crested Butte one summer a few years ago and I absolutely loved it; the weather there in the summer is perfect.

  14. Hey Madison! My roommate loves shopping too! That caught my attention, that you enjoy shopping too. It is also a ton of fun! Good luck after my family is gone I love watching TV too. I have also been snowboarding before, It's super cool. This spring break I'm hoping to head to Colorado. I will try to check out Crested Butte when I go there!

  15. Hey Madison. Nice to meet you. I love going to Dallas, Texas. The traffic though is crazy. I remember driving down to Dallas for the first time and I hated it. I am guessing you are used to the traffic in the Dallas area? Oklahoma City traffic is probably nothing to you. I have only been to Colorado once, and I loved it. I want to try skiing but I am always scared to because with my luck I will end up injuring myself.

  16. Madison, it seems a lot of comments to your introduction have been centered around your school mascot. Looks like I’ve got to add to them. They are fascinating creatures who have rightly earned the nick-name “trash panda.” Did you know that in many native American cultures, the raccoon is considered a character very similar to Hanuman? Here is a website with links to several legends if you are interested in comical light reading. The spirit of the raccoon is a running joke in our family when we spend time outdoors and usually the spirit of raccoon usually gets the blame for odd occurrences that happen to us.

  17. Hi Madison,
    Firstly, it is nice to meet you. Secondly, I haven't been to Frisco, but my freshman roommate is from Frisco. I am also a senior here at OU and I am studying Letters and Religious Studies. Colorado is absolutely amazing. My father and I went the summer before my senior year of high school and we traveled to about six different cities. It was absolutely beautiful! Well, I hope you enjoy your time in this class and I can't wait to read more of your writings!

  18. Hi Madison!
    It is nice to meet you and see we are from the same area of Dallas. I moved to Frisco my senior year of high school and went to Liberty High School down the street. I am sure your school smacked us in football, we were not good at all. Are you moving back to DFW after graduation? I love to ski as well, I spent 2 years in Alaska and learned to ski one winter. The falling became quite painful, but it is a great sport!

  19. Hi Madison! That is so cool your high school mascot is a racoon! I haven't heard of a high school with that kind of mascot! I recently went skiing at Wolf Creek in CO over spring break, it was fun but I don't think that is something I would want to do again! I also enjoy binge watching Netflix shows and movies!

  20. Hey Madison,
    It’s great that you are a senior; you’re almost done with college! I’ve never been to Colorado, but it’s definitely I place that I would like to visit someday. Also, I love to go shopping and watch movies as well. I find that this semester, I have been doing this more often. Anyway, it’s great to meet you and hope you have a great rest of the semester.

  21. Hi Madison! It is nice to meet you! I have a lot of friends from Texas! One thing I notice about all you guys is you love to talk about being from Texas! haha. I also love binge watching tv. Have you ever seen a show called the office? It is a great sitcom that a lot of people know and like. You should check it out sometime!

  22. Hi Madison! I'm from Texas! I'm from North Richland Hills which is by Keller and Southlake. So where do you like to shop in Dallas? I really like Northpark but I have been to the Galleria as well. Also, I don't know if you Urban Outfitters, but my favorite Urban Outfitters is right by one of those. I think it's by Northpark. Anyways. It's always nice to meet a fellow Texan!


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