Week 10 Story: TED Talks on Creative Life

I watched and listened to the two speakers presented in this series on creative life and had some points in which I agreed with and also disagreed with. Both, to me, seemed pretty different than one another as one spoke on the development of kids and students and the other on copyright and how it affects development. For the most part, I agreed with Scott Kaufman and disagreed with Nina who also created the animation Sita Sings the Blues.

I thought Scott gave some great reminders for us all and that is life is more than a test score or what school measures us by. On the other side of that, life is also more than that being what we think is “normal”. One can be a little what society thinks is odd but that does not mean they need to be held back. Those individuals are often very smart and creative and just need to be allowed to express that. Going back to the not so book smart person, they are also creative and just because they fail a test does not mean they will fail in life. Usually they are very successful in life as they do not let society hold them back.

Now Nina had another view on creativity and not something I necessarily agree with. Nin feels as though copyright laws are too strict and in order for us to grow it is useful to bounce off of others. While some may need that, I think copyright laws are needed. She kind of has a socialist view and let’s be honest socialism NEVER WORKS. We were made to be individuals and if I come up with something brand new I sure as hell get the payout for it. Now other may come in change it up and make it better later on but I put my heart and soul into that product and no one is going to get its credit.


  1. Hi Madison! I didn't watch the Ted talks so I'm going to base my comment of yours! I think your right about needing copyright laws. I wouldn't want to make a product, song, or movie just for someone to take the whole thing and say it was theirs and then get money from it. Copyright is there for a reason and it shouldn't be taken away! I also agree that grades, test scores, and placement tests aren't what define people. Some people are just not good at exams, but can excel in other ways academically or even in the fine arts!


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