Reading Notes: More Jataka Tales, Pt. B

Finishing up the tales I am made to think about how these and many others like them have shaped our lives. Due to how the wolves, lions, elephants and others are made out to be in the tales we think of them in that way. And vise versa, when we think of wise or foolish people we sometime classify them as certain animals we believe share those same traits. 

Probably my favorite tale from this section was of the little bowman. The big bowman he hired to join him so he could be in the army started to believe he was just as good as the little due to all the praise he was receiving from the work others believed he was doing. He was a fool and when it came time to step up to the plate on his own he ran away. The little bowman was still strong and believed in himself that he became chief of the army. I also thought Beauty and Brownie was a good reminder of a story that just because you think you know best. Instructions are gave for a certain reason and when not followed you can really hurt yourself. 

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