Week 13 Story: Dreams Making

Once upon a time there was a little bowman named Calvin. He was not a midget but also not tall, just little. Calvin grew up in the poorer part of the kingdom and although his parents had a difficult time making ends meet they loved him dearly. Everyday his father would come home from trying to find work and teach his son how to use a bow. From early on it was very noticeable Calvin had a natural born talent with the bow.

Calvin was 18 now and working for a blacksmith but he never lost the hope of using his bow skills for the King one day. One day King Robert sent flyers out to be posted as he was having a open call for new knights. The show would be in the King’s Arena that Saturday and men from all over were able to come and show off their skills in hopes of being recruited.

Saturday came and Calvin was warmed up and ready. He entered into the arena and lined up with the hundreds of hopeful men from all over. All the men stepped up to center stage one at a time and had two minutes to show their most impressive of skills. Finally it was Calvin’s turn anas he stepped up the arena went silent. Everyone was shocked such a little man would even think about wanting to become a knight but little did they know how skillful he was. He took two arrows to his bow and pulled them back. Standing 50 yards away and in between two targets he let his arrows loose. BAM! The two arrows booth hit the bulls eye of the targets and crowd went wild! They had never seen anything like it before.

After the show the King’s head knight approached Calvin and said he had been recruited to the A Team, the head guards for the King. Calvin was overjoyed, he would finally be able to provide for him and his parents.

Authors Note: A couple weeks ago I read Jataka Tales and one of my favorites was about the little bowman. Originally the little bowman had found a larger man in the kingdom to act as him and get into the knights guard. I wanted to take that story and change it up a bit. At the end of the original story you see the little bowman be accepted by the King even though he was small, it was his skills that spoke for themselves. I love a good feel good story of when someone accomplishes their dreams even when others do not believe in it. Aslo, the idea that he was from the slums of the kingdom just adds to the emotional part of the story. I do not know much about using a bow and arrow but using two at a time to hit two different targets sounds pretty legit.

I honestly had a little bit of a harder time just finding inspiration for this story. All my past stories had easily come to me but being late in the semester the inspo is dwindling down. I went back into my reading notes and was reminded of the little bowman tale. Apologies for the story not being too interesting!

Original Tale


  1. Hey Madison! I understand your lack of inspiration toward the end of the semester, I am really feeling it this week with Passover! But, we can do it! Your story was short and sweet. The only thing I was concerned about is that the term "midget" has a very negative connotation. I don't know if you're aware of this or not, so I thought I would let you know it means more than just a short person. This link talks more about it. https://www.lpaonline.org/the-m-word

  2. Hi Madison! I thought your story was fun read that kept me interested, despite you saying you had a lack of motivation. I feel that however x100. Even as the weeks are dwindling, I am struggling to keep myself going and I can see it in my motivation to get things done, but I think this story was great! Any story with a little effort and imagination can go anywhere you want to take it! Great job!

  3. Hi Madison! I would like to begin by saying that I absolutely enjoyed reading your story. I’m always in the mood for a good feeling kind of story. Furthermore, I really want to mention that I really like how you changed the plot of the story a little bit. With that being said, I think you did a great job at creating a story where even though you lack a disadvantage, your skills can shine through.

  4. This is a cute tale and although it's not long or super interesting, it's simple and well put. I've quite enjoyed reading about Calvin. It's nice to see small and somewhat weaker looking individuals persevere through hardships like feeding a family or being seen as more than a weakingling; this tale is a good at making Calvin such a wholesome kid. I like how his first thought is that he can finally feed his family and not really excitement that he was on the A team for the king's defense.


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