Reading Notes: PDE Mahabharata Part B

The sons of Pandru and Kunti are now having to return to living in the wilderness. Bhima, the son of Pandu and Kunti, met a girl in the forest named Hidimbi and although a demon, the two had a son together named Ghatotkacha. 

Kunti and her other sons separated with Bhima and when towards the south. Her and her sons were housed by a brahmin. Kunti over heard the brahmin and his family one day worried about who would take food to the cruel chief Baka who had taken over his village. Kunti knew that if Bhima was still around he could handle the chief. Then out of no where her brace son appears. He confronted Baka and freed the people of the town from him. 

The Pandavas are still in hiding when they hear of the birth of Draupadi and her brother Dhrishtadyumna. Draupadi's father, Drupada, holds a swayamwara in hopes Arjuna comes forth and wins. Just like how her father had wished, Arjuna strikes the target perfectly and leads Draupadi out of the ceremony by her hand. Due to Draupadi being the reincarnation of a woman named Nalayni who prayed five different times for a husband she was forced to not only marry Arjuna but all five of the Pandavas brothers. Her father excepted this and on five different days, Draupadi was walked around the fire and married off to the individuals sons. 

Arjuna ends up breaking one of the rules the brother set in place to share a wife. One of those rules was that when one brother was sitting by Draupadi another brother could not or they would be put in exile. Arjuna, breaking this rule took his punishment. While in exile he met Ulupi. She loved him and together the two had a child named Iravat. 

Arjuna continues his journey into the forest during his exile and meets yet another woman named Chitra. the two fall in love and have a son who then become King of Manipur.... Arjuna at this point does not seem like the best guy to be in a relationship with. He meets you, makes you fall in with him, get you pregnant and then leaves. Tristian Thompson vides all the way if you ask me!

Yet again, Arjuna finds another girl in which he marries named Subhadra. Subhadra was the sister to Krishna and taken back to Arjuna's home with him. Draupadi embraced her as well has Arjuna's mother Kunti. Draupadi had five sons, one with all five husband and Subhadra had one with Arjuna. He would become known as a fierce warrior. 

Krishna and Arjuna one evening was approached by a Brahmin who needed the men to burn down a forrest for him as food. The two did so defeating Indra, who had always put out the brahmin fire prior to this, save very few animals. One of the creatures saved was Maya, a demon, who in return built the Pandavas a marvelous palace. Adorned with so many jewels it even looked on fire itself. 

Now the great catastrophe begins and it even includes a gambling match. Draupadi was put up as a wager. Not happy about this at all she voices her opinion. After much trial back and forth and being taken captive the Pandu brothers along with Draupadi and Kunti were set free. This was not the end of their troubles as they would end up being captive once more. 

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