Reading Notes: Mahabharata Part C

We start to see a very similar life too Rama and the Pandavas brother enter into and exile in the forrest. Draupadi, their wife, and the brahmin, Dhuamya, also accompanied the brothers. Meanwhile, during the brothers exile, Arjuna strays and collects weapons in which will help the brothers later on. Once Arjuna received all of the gifts of weapons from the different God's his father, Indra took him to his home. There he would face large demon women. 

Draupadi and her other husbands on their own begin a journey into the Himalayas, Arjuna will meet back up with them there. One day while picking flowers for Draupadi, Bhima would run into the same monkey Rama once had, Hanuman. Hanuman and him got a long very well as they were both sons of Vayu. 

Karna, having pledged his loyalty to the completely jealous Duryodhana, vows to fight Arjuna when the sets of brothers all meet again. Indra, not happy with this vow, takes Karna's earrings and accessories but Karna was not left empty handed. He would obtain the arrow of death, something just as special! 

Yudhishthira would encounter a strange voice who would turn out to be Dharma, god of wisdom and justice. Dharma asked him many question and impressively to Dharma, Yudhishthira would reply with just as much wisdom. in return of this back and forth question and answer moment, Dharma gifted him and his brother the power to be unrecognized for an entire year. 

Living unrecognizable, the brothers and their wife go to the court of King Virata. Here they will each have a job. Arjuna, having been cursed before, deals with the bad luck and becomes a dance teacher. 

Just like Sita, Rama's wife, Draupadi, will run into trouble of her own and is even almost raped by the kingdom's prince. Luckily, her husband Bhima, is secretly able to save her. It can not be known that the brothers are her husband. 

The men are out of exile but before they go into an obvious war with the Kauravas Krishna tries to come to an agreement. Unfortunately this does not work for the long term and the two families go into battle against one another. 

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