Reading Notes: PDE Ramayana Part C

In this third part of the series Rama and Lakshmana are full force committed to going and getting Sita back! They are advised to meet with a monkey named Sugriva who in return of his help to get Sita back he needs theirs as he takes down his brother Vali. Although pretty controversial, Rama kills Vali and Sugriva becomes King. Now it is Sugriva to help Rama and his brother but they are forced to wait for the rain to pass through. Rama becomes VERY bored during this time even suggesting to rip his own heart out. Finally it is time for the men to get Sita and Sugriva sends armies of monkeys and bears to help. Jatayu, the helpful bird from previous stories has a brother, Sampati who is just as helpful and lets the armies know they are headed in the right direction! Hanuman is given the duty to cross over to Lanka and is encouraged by his fellow men in this journey. While making the leap, Hanuman is almost eaten by a Rakshasi! Finally, Hanuman gets to Sita and hides as he spies on the Rakshasis Ravana has guarding her as well as Ravana trying to convince Rama's wife to leave Rama for him. Unfortunately, Hanuman was caught trying to save Sita and captured by Ravana. Ravana attempted to set his tail on fire but to Sita's answered prayers ended up burning most of the city of Lanka to the ground. Hanuman heads back to the rest of the army once he is able to check on Sita's well being. The armies return to Sugriva and Rama and the okay is given to march to Lanka. Ravana has a brother who is not happy with him as he could not just give Sita back and ends up joining the opposite side. 



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