Week 11 Story: Pt. 3 Draupadi Seeks Revenge

Drupada had been watching from a distance his daughter struggle with her marriage to Jatu and hated to see her unhappy. Without any hesitation he agreed to help Draupadi when she asked for a way out of this mess. The two created an extravagant plan!
Jatu was a heftier fella and had quite the appetite! After hearing of Draupadi’s marriage to Jatu other royals and people who once dined with the queen at balls and banquets refused to. Jatu, obviously, had very few manners and to have to watch him eat made you not want to touch your food at all.

Drupada had also witnessed this extraordinary stomach of his son-in-law’s and  knew he could not turn down any food. Drupada and Draupadi then went to the kingdoms witch and purchased the best poison money could buy. That evening before dinner was served to Draupadi and Jatu, Drupada went to the kitchen placed a few drops on top of Jatu’s food.

Drupada hid behind a curtain behind Jatu and watched as the servants walked in with the supper. He knew that the one with poison gave the food a slight shine to it.

Right when things felt like they could not be going any better, the servants placed the wrong food in front of Draupadi and Jatu! Drupada began to wave frantically to try and get Draupadi’s attention before she ate any! The queen’s father felt tear wallowing in eyes. He was about to accidentally lose his daughter!

“Hold on!” Jatu shouted, “Your plate is bigger than mine! Switch with me, now.”

Draupadi began to hesitate and slowly get up to switch the two’s plates as her husband had demanded. Drupada heard the King’s orders and began to nod his head yes finally getting Draupadi’s attention. So, she did as her husband and father said.

The King was almost down with his plate when “SPLAT!” he collapsed and shattered his plate as his head fell down on it.

Drupada came out from behind the curtain and the father daughter duo met with a high five. Draupadi ordered her guards in and they took Jatu off.

“Free at last!” Draupadi exclaimed. She was so relieved and could finally go back to her happy life, just her and her daughter.

Authors Note: Draupadi knew she could turn to her father as just like in the original story they were very close. In the poisoning scene I drew inspiration from Game of Thrones. Few time in the epics have we seen a food poisoning but man do they create great TV for the Game of Thrones storylines! SPOILER ALERT- Specifically channeling the part in Game of Thrones when Arya poisons Walder Frey. The man had done her and family wrong and she was seeking revenge. Frey had taken captive her mother and brother and killed them. Draupadi was done wrong by Jatu and although death may had been a little harsh she was also getting her revenge. He had taken her life from her and being the strong woman she is, like Arya, she was not going to take it.

I chose not to include Tanaka too much in this ending due to the death and how young she is. If she was older I could have seen her helping her mother execute this plan. As such a little girls and being kidnapped by her now step father, she had been put through enough. I think it may be interesting to continue writing about Draupadi and how this execution could play out in her kingdom as well as where Jatu originally came from.


  1. Hi Madison! So first off I absolutely love your page set up. It's the same one I use so I'm pretty biased but I just think it looks clean and is easy to read. My only issue would have to be the image placement? I would either make it bigger or maybe align it to the left or right of the text? that's really nit picky I know but I love the story and it was a really fun story to keep up with!

  2. Whoa, the randomizer brought me your blog post after I read your portfolio. It's interesting to see how you put together the different parts of the story into one. I like how you didn't just simply have Jatu eat the poisoned food immediately, but showed off his gluttony even more by coveting Draupadi's larger portion. This further created suspense from having the two plates switched. Great storytelling!

  3. Hi Madison! Great page. I like the color scheme of your site's layout. This story was quite captivating and well-written. I wanted to know what would happen after the plate switch! I can see how you tried to have the character's actions stay consistent to their personality as described in other literature (Draupadi and her father). Also I respect the Game of Thrones reference! :)


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