Week 8 Reading and Writing

As of now I am very happy with both my blog and website. I have been working on it as I go to keep it up to par with what going on week by week. I took this time to go ahead and work on the sidebar of my blog as that was something I wanted to update. I did not feel that it was as easy as it could have been to use and search blog posts through. I played around with the archive area made it to just my liking!

As for my website, as I have added in new stories I have made changes and happy with where it is. I think it is very user friendly and organized. The website building program is new to me so I am growing as I go.

As for my reading and writing, as a whole I am very excited for my most recent story about Queen Draupadi and hopefully continuing that storyline for at least one more entry. I find myself really growing with every writing assignment with my creativity and writing technique as a whole. The reading notes have been helpful with writing the stories as sometimes it has been a couple days since the reading. I have used my detailed notes regularly.

As of now I am content with resources and work and look forward to continuing my growth with reading and writing Indian Epics.

This photo is from my most recent story as of now it is my favorite. Photo Details


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